AAFR: The “Baby Boomers’ AARP”!

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Our Mission

At AAFR, our mission is a simple one:

“To ensure that future retirees enjoy an equal or better standard of living than the generations that have gone before them.”

To fulfill this mission, we take a twofold approach.

1. Advocacy

Just as AARP works for senior citizens, AAFR advocates for baby boomers and the generations that will follow them.

We do this by focusing especially on three areas of public policy:

Social Security.

Social Security represents one of the greatest “success stories” of the 20th century. It has fulfilled its mission reliably, efficiently, and honestly for 75 years.

Today, Social Security is needed more than ever. It alone stands between tens of millions of Americans and abject poverty. For millions more, Social Security represents the bedrock on which the prosperity of their “golden years” rests.

But unfortunately, this exemplary government program is in danger. Demographic changes—especially the “bust” that followed the Baby Boom—have changed the mathematical relationship between revenues and benefits upon which the system is based. If present trends continue, the system will be insolvent within a few decades.

It’s not as though the system is “broken” or “can’t be fixed.” Social Security can and must continue to function as it has in the past. For this to happen, tough decisions must be made: either the benefits schedule must be changed, or additional revenue must be funneled into the system.

Politicians have generally avoided this “difficult” subject altogether. AAFR demands that our leaders stop sticking their heads in the sand, and instead begin a genuine dialog around the topic of how to preserve Social Security for future generations. To do anything less is to betray our children, our grandchildren, and ourselves.

Corporate and Private Pension Plans.

Sadly, the defined-benefit plan, where workers were guaranteed a certain percentage of their working-years income when they retired, is going the way of the buggy whip and the rotary-dial telephone.

While we at AAFR encourage the continuation and expansion of defined-benefit plans, we recognize that opportunities to do this are limited. This is why we focus on ensuring that other pension plans (such as 401(k)s) stay well-funded and safe.

This is not to be taken for granted. Wall Street is trying to get its hands on the billions of dollars in corporate pension plans. AAFR has blown the whistle… and will continue to do so whenever future retirees’ security is at stake.

Age Discrimination and Related Issues.

Unlike racial discrimination, which, by definition, is based on animosity toward a particular ethnic group, age discrimination can and does sneak into the workplace based on economic factors alone.

Honest, hard-working people who make long careers at a single corporation are often rightfully rewarded with raises over the years. By the time they’re in their 50s, they typically earn twice or even triple the salary of someone just entering the workforce.

The temptation is then great to simply fire the older worker (often based on phony accusations of poor performance) and replace him or her with someone younger—and cheaper. AAFR deplores this practice and will come to the aid of anyone victimized by it. If you or someone you know is a victim of age discrimination, please contact us.

2. Advice and Guidance

The days when one could simply “go with the flow” until one’s 65th birthday, at which time a generous pension and Social Security would kick in and guarantee happy golden years, are long gone. Today’s future retirees must take charge of their own retirement planning.

AAFR provides advice and guidance through its informational blog, The Future Retiree. Additional informational resources are planned. Check back often on our site!

Please Join Us

There’s strength in numbers! If our mission speaks to you, please consider joining AAFR. The first 5000 charter memberships are free! Click here to join AAFR with no obligation.

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